What is our site about

It appears with the passage of time, the principles and understanding thereof of what was once outlined by Benjamin Graham and David Dodd have fallen victim to the notion of ‘Chinese Whispers’, drifting further and further away from what was initially stated, with some people today seemingly only equating such teachings to simply a price-to-earnings and a price-to-book-value ratio, completely failing to acknowledge the hundreds of pages worth of lessons taught. Whether you are a self-proclaimed ‘value investor’, a sceptic, a believer, or just curious, we aim to shed a new light on the application of the principle. A new light which is paradoxically nearly a decade old; but appears to have slipped into the shadows with minimal comprehension. Our aim is not to convince anybody of the philosophies, accuracy or even the modern-day viability of such an approach, only to explore the possibilities, which are of course…endless.
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“These days the world of value investing seems to get a bad rep. You only have to take a brief look online to encounter various blog posts, videos and such claiming that the practice is ‘dead’ or ‘outdated’ etc.”